Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kashmir Issue


Full Name : State of Jammu and Kashmir .
Area : 84471 sq / Miles .
State : Biggest State of India .
Situated : It is Situated at the Northern part of Indo-Pak .
Boundary : Boundary with China , Russia and Afghanistan .
Sale of Kashmir : British Government Sold Kashmir to Gulab signh of Dogar dynasty . he buyied Kashmir at a cost of 7.5 million Rupees in 1846 .
Population : According to the sensus of 1941 ; 4 million people are living in kashmir . Among 4 million People 77% were Muslims . 61 % People were Muslims in Jammu and 93 % in Jammu . Gilgit consist of 100 % muslims . Gilgit consist of 100% Muslims .

BACKGROUND : At the time of partition , Sir Hari Singh of Dogar dynasty want to exceed with Indian government , against the wishes of kashmiri people . A clash occured betweeb Maharaja and the kashmiri People , That is why he asked the Indian Government for Help . An Agreement tool place between Maharaja and the Indian Government on 26th Oct , 1947 according to Amritsar treaty . In the Result of the agreement Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah become the Defecto Prime Minister . In the Result of the Clash a war was Started between Pakistan and India in 1948 . A Cease Fire occured between Pakistan and Indian on 1st Jan , 1949 . Pakistan took the Matter to the United Nation Organisation ( U.N.O ) on 1948 , where security council decided that dispure of Kashmir will be solved according to the wishes of Kashmiri people . Pebliscite will occur under the supervision of U.N.O . But India was continually refusing the resolution of U.N.O on Kashmir Issue .

CONCLUSION : Kashmir has been the bone of contention between the two states of Pakistan and India . It is a Dangerous dispute , without the solution of it no any peace will be created between India and Pakistan . India is Ignoring the Rights of Kashmiri People . It is the Duty of the International world to Solve the Kashmir Issue , according to the wishes of Kashmiri People .

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