Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Formation of Muslim League

 After the defeat in the war of Independence . The muslims became the target of british victimization . To save the muslims From attrocities of Britishers , Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took the responsibilty of protecting rights of the muslims without formation of any political organization . After the death of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in 1888 , the anti muslim activities of congress further increased . At last a Deligation consisting of 35 members , under the leadership of Sir Agha Khan met the Viceroy of India . Due to the positive answer of viceroy , a feeling of Confidence and unity was Created . The All India Muslim League was created out of this Convection .

INTRODUCTION : Muslims Leader met at Dhaka at Dec , 1906 on the occasion of annual meeting of Mohammadin education conference . The meeting took place at dhaka under the presidency of Nawab waquril muk , Sir Suleman [ the Nawab of Dhaka ] voted the resolution for establishing muslim organization to be called as All India Muslim League . Mulavi Ali Jahal Hakim , Ajmal Khan and Moulana Zafar Ali also supported the Resolution .


1 . Hindi and Urdu Conflict .
2 . Negative of Hindu Sectorian parties and Movement .
3 . Problem of Slaughtering cow .
4 . Claim of congress to the only reponsible properties .
5 . Success of Simla Deligation on Nob - 1906 .


1 . To Provide the Muslims of India feeling Loyalty to the British Government .
2 . To Provide the rise among the muslims of india any feeling of hostality towards other community without prejudice to other ojects of League .
3 . To Protect muslims and Rights and Interests .

HEAD OFFICE : Aligarh was at a central position in the Political , Educational and Economic Progress of Indian Muslims . So the Head Office of All India Muslim League was Also formed in Aligarh .

FIRST OFFICE HOLDER : In the Meeting of March 1908 , Sir Agha Khan was elected as President and Syed Hasan Bilgrani waas elected as a General secetory of Muslim League .


1 . Representative of Muslims of Sub-continent .
2 . Answer to COngress Propaganda .
3 . Approval of Seperate Election .
4 . Formation of Aligarh Muslim University .

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