Sunday, December 26, 2010

NEHRU REPORT To answer the challenge of Lord Birkenhead

After the Failure of Simon Commission in 1927 , the minister of India Lord Birkenhead Challenged Indians by saying " IF THEY HAVE ANY POLITICAL CAPABILITY AND COMPETENCE THEN THEY SHOULD FORM A UNANIMOUS CONSTITUTION AND PRESENT IT TO US AND WE WILL IMPLEMENT IT "

To answer the challenge of Lord Birkenhead , First and Second All party Conference was Held at Delhi on 12 Feb and 19 May , 1928 . A 7 membered Constitution commity was formed in the conference . It had only 2 muslim representatives , namely Mr.Ali imam and Mr.Shoaib Qureshi . The Head of the constitutional assembly was Pundit Moti Lal Nehru and his son Jawalal Nehru was the member of the commity . After Staying at allahabad for 3 monhs , the commity prepared a report . This report was called Nehru Report .


1 . Ending of Separate Electorate .
2 . Ending of more Muslim Seats than Population .
3 . Ending of more Seats than Population .
4 . Refusal to give 1/3 Representation to muslim in the center .
5 . Separation of Sind From bombay (Mumbai)
6 . Suggestions of Reforms in N.W.F.P province and Aviodness from Balouchistan .
7 . Demand of Strong Central government .
8 . Demand of ordering of the Colonial Rule .

The anti muslim suggestions of nehru report shattered the Lucknow pact and the Delhi proposal . Different muslim leaders expressed their views and feelings on the nehru report which are mentioned below :

Sir agha khan said that " Any sensible person cannot think muslim will accept these insulting conditions "

Quaid-e-azam on 22 dec , 1928 at a failure of calcutta convention and due to stubbornness commented on nehru report " From now the paths of Hindu andmuslims are separate "

In short all muslim leaders expressed great dislike to the nehru report , but it did not have any effect on Hindus .

The suggestions of nehru report were based on muslim enimity and were against the constitutional state and rights of muslims . Under the suggestions hindus altogether Forget aabout the Terms of lucknow pact . From nehru report 2 things were clear , firstly that hindus were severe enemies of muslims and donot wanted progess of muslims . Secondly , Hindus were the breaker of Promises and this is why quaid-e-Azam answered nehru report on 25 march 1929 by the 14 Points , where as next year he gave the idea of separate Islamic state which led to the creation of Pakistan .


  1. Jawaharlal Nehru was born into an aristocratic Kashmiri Brahmin family settled in Allahabad, now renamed as Prayagraj. He was born into a Hindu family and was not a Muslims. Personally, he claimed to be an atheist; so that makes him a Hindu apostate.
